Helderberg Target Archery

Archery Instruction

Helderberg Target Archery offers archery instruction by appointment only.
Anyone, age 10 and over, that is interested in archery as a sport, whether competitively or just socially, is welcome to enquire and come to us for instruction.
You do not need to be a club member to attend the archery instruction sessions, they are specifically intended for non-members looking to make a start in the sport of archery…
The term “coaching” will be used loosely, in archery coaching is typically the more advanced level of instruction but more people understand the term “coaching”…

Coaching will take place on a weekend morning, weather permitting and consists of a one hour session with a maximum of two students per instructor.
From April to September there will be four one hour sessions at 09:00, 10:10, 11:20 and the last session at 12:30.
From October to March, there will be five one hour sessions at 08:00, 09:10, 10:20, 11:30 and the last session at 12:40.
We provide instruction using recurve bows only and we provide all the equipment needed during your session, of course you are welcome to bring along and use your own recurve equipment if you already have.

It is recommended to wear a shirt/top that is not baggy or too loose on the body and also not baggy or loose sleeves, as the bow string could catch on the material which will affect the arrow leaving the bow.
Sunscreen is highly recommended as you will be standing out in the sun for the duration of the session.
Remember to also hydrate, water or cold drinks, especially during the summer months.

Unless you are fully knowledgeable with regards to archery equipment, or know someone that is, please do not go out and purchase equipment yet. General sports stores don’t really know enough about archery and would more than likely sell you incorrectly suited equipment, which would result in disappointment and possibly injury.
We encourage new starters to come for some lessons first then you can decide if you want to continue with archery and if so we will assist in equipment selection.

Archery instruction days will be posted in the Events section on our website as “HTA Archery Instruction”.
Bookings for coaching will only open at 09:00 the Monday preceding the coaching day, this is to allow a more fair opportunity for anyone to get a booking, and bookings close on the Friday at midday. Bookings are done within the event entry itself, when the bookings are open the tickets would be visible…
Please do not ask to book for any future coaching days in advance, all requests for bookings in advance will be disregarded.
Please do not make a booking unless you’re certain you will be able to attend, last minute cancellations means that someone else will probably lose out on a spot, but of course there are circumstances where last minute cancellations may occur…
Archery instruction days may be cancelled, mainly due to weather, at short notice.

Costs: (payment on the day in cash please)
R140 per instructor per hour session plus
R60 per person per hour session Club/range fee additional to the above.

There is now a “Standby” list for those that miss the session bookings. This will be per instruction day and will not be carried over to future days. The option for Standby List will open at 09:15 on the relevant Monday…
If there is a session with only one person, or a cancellation, then those on the standby list will be allocated sessions on a first-come first-serve basis.
The standby list is for single person session slots that may be available. Do not book a single ticket for more than one person on the Standby List as slots would only be to fill a single person space, making a maximum of two people per coach (remember that you’d be on the standby list as time slots would have already been booked with at least one person per coach).
We cannot guarantee a specific time slot but if you absolutely cannot make a time then please state as such in the comment field of the booking.
Please understand that just because you’re on the standby list does not mean that there will be a session slot available for you, if you are allocated a slot you should receive a “booking confirmed” email else you should receive a “booking rejected” email if no slots are available…

Please understand that the archery instruction is intended to get you to a level where you can continue on your own, possibly with the occasional coaching “touch-up” thereafter.

With a maximum of two people per hour session space is limited…